Outside Aid Instructions
Outside aid is allowed at the four aid stations as well as anywhere in Strongs Corner. Strongs Tavern and Motel has items for purchase (Gatorade, bars, etc). Parking is allowed at both the Tavern & Motel. Stop in for a snack or even lunch as you wait for your rider!
For the safety and visibility of the racers, you are not permitted to drive on the official course*, and we have a recommended route below.
*Driving to aid #1 you are technically on Fs 3141/W Lone Pine Rd which is part of the course, but not until mile 115.
** Course Maps Below are for the 2021 race course, but the driving directions remain unchanged for 2022, 2023, and 2024. **
Aid Station #1 (49.5 Miles for racers)
Driving Directions from Fairgrounds (27.5 Miles)
Turn right onto Church Rd from Fairgrounds - 0.1 mi
Turn right onto Dukes Rd - 0.5 mi
Turn left onto M-123 N - 0.7 mi
Turn right onto M-123 N - 18.3 mi
Turn right onto Fs 3141/W Lone Pine Rd - 22.1 mi
Turn right onto S Dick Rd/U S F S 3139 Rd - 27.5 mi
You will be coming from Lone Pine Road then turning right on Dick Rd to park (please pull over as far as possible). Racers will be heading north and then turning right on USFS 3136 Rd. Do not park south of USFS 3136 Rd where the aid station is located. You can then walk to line up just south of Aid Station #1. To exit aid station #1 and head to aid station #2 you will make a U-turn and head north.
Alternative Route for Smaller Cars
Important Note about Aid #1: If you have a smaller car or want a smoother road going to aid #1, here is the alternative route. You must be parked by 9:00am north of Aid #1 to avoid racers on the course. Take a right on Trout Lake Road and a left on Dick Road:
Aid Station #2 (77 Miles for racers)
Driving Directions from Aid #1 (29.7 Miles)
Turn right onto M 28 - 6.6 mi
Turn left onto South M-221 - 22.8 mi
Turn left onto West Lakeshore Drive - 25.3 mi (Bay Mart)
Turn left onto West Plantation Road - 27.5 mi
Turn left onto Plantation Road - 28 mi
End at Aid Station - 29.7 mi
You will be coming from Plantation Rd. Do not park past Old Brimley Grade Rd (please pull over as far as possible). You can then walk to line up just SW of Aid Station #2. To exit aid station #2 and head to aid station #3 OR Strong’s Corner you will make a U-turn and head back east towards Brimley.
Aid Station #3 (117.5 Miles for racers)
Alternate Strongs Corner Aid at mile 104.5 ish for the racers.
Driving Directions from Aid #2 (29.6 Miles)
Turn right onto W Lakeshore Dr - 2.1 mi
Turn right onto M-221 S - 4.3 mi
Turn right onto M-28 W - 6.8 mi
Turn left onto S Dick Rd/U S F S 3139 Rd - 23.0 mi
(OR stay straight to run into Strongs Corner - 26 mi.)
End at Aid Station - 29.6 mi
You will be coming from S Dick Rd/U S F S 3139 Rd. Do not park past Fs 3141/W Lone Pine Rd (please pull over as far as possible). You can then walk to line up just South of Fs 3141/W Lone Pine Rd. To exit aid station #3 and head to the finish you will make a U-turn and head back north towards M-28.
Back To Finish OR Aid #4 (#1 for 66 Racers)
Driving Directions from Aid #3 (41.9 Miles)
Turn sharp left onto M 28 - 6.4 mi
Turn left onto M 123 - 12.5 mi
Turn left onto Front Street, M 123, H-40 - 23.6 mi
Turn sharp right onto Dukes Road - 41.2 mi
Turn left onto Church Road - 41.3 mi
Turn left to Fairgrounds - 41.7 mi
Aid Station #4 for 166 Mile / #1 for 66 Mile (18 Miles to go)
Driving Directions from Aid #3 (41.9 Miles) – RED LINE
Turn sharp left onto M 28 - 6.4 mi
Turn left onto M 123 - 12.5 mi
Turn left onto Front Street, M 123, H-40 - 23.6 mi
Take Left on Brevort Lake Rd - 41.6 mi
Aid is on Martin Rd to you left
Return back to Fairgrounds by going north to Dukes Rd (Green Line)
Driving Directions from Fairgrounds (1.3 Miles) – Avoid Brevort Lake Rd. by Fairgrounds/GREEN LINE*
Right turn on Church Rd
Right turn Dukes Rd
Right Turn on M123
Left Turn on Brevort Lake Rd
Aid is on Martin Rd to your left.
Return back to Fairgrounds by going north to Dukes Rd (Green Line)
*You can walk directly from the Fairgrounds using Brevort Lake Rd (1/2 Mile Walk)